For U8 - U14 teams, teams participate in the Fall and Spring soccer seasons most season each team plays around 10 games depending on how many teams in their group or flight. Fall practices typically start in August with games commencing in September and ending in mid-November. Outdoor spring practices begin in March with games beginning soon afterwards and extending to early June.
Bergenfield United also assembles teams U16-U19 based on the number of players available for the Late Fall/Spring season in EDP League.
What fields and locations are the soccer games played at?
For U8-U12, all home games are played at Bergenfield home town fields of Vivyen, Jefferson and Hoover . For all U13 and above teams all home games are played at Roy W. Brown Middle School Field in some occasions Hickory. All team away games are played at the opponents home field which can be close as 5 mins. away to up to 40 mins. away.
When are the games and practices scheduled?
In the fall, the boys games are on Saturdays and the girls on Sundays. In the spring, both groups play their games on Sundays. Rescheduled matches during either season may take place on a Friday evening or other day of the week. Coaches provide the families with as much notice as possible about rescheduled games.
Practices tend to be 2 nights a week during the season. Coaches may also offer optional practice sessions (generally once a week) during the off-season.
How can I see the full schedule for the season?
Please go to the
Northern Counties Soccer Association website for full details on the season schedule, including field assignment. For those who play EDP go to the
Elite Development Program website.
What are the fees for the Fall/Spring season and what does it cover? New Price 2023-2024 Season
Bergenfield residents will pay $400 (
does not include uniforms) and out of town players $450 (
does not include uniforms) that pays for both fall and spring seasons. High school teams that only play in Late Fall/Spring have a fee of
$300 (plus the cost of uniforms) Non-residents: $350
(plus the cost of uniforms) for the season. Please note there is a discount for families with 3 or more children playing. The fees cover the cost of referees, insurance, administrative fees and one tournament. The fee does not cover the cost of additional tournaments, team parties or other accessories that the team may elect to purchase.
What are the fees for the Uniforms?Starting with the Fall 2018 Season, Uniforms kits will be ordered online separately by parent or guardian.
The uniform fee will now be separate and not part of regular registration fee. Uniform costs will be between $110-$125 for a full kit of home, away and practice gear.
Uniforms are expected to last for three seasons.
The current Uniform Kit will be good for Fall 2021 through Spring 2024 season.
STARTING FALL 2024, There will be a new uniform kit for the next 3 years.
I don't see a team for my son/daughter's age group. Should I still have them tryout?
Yes! We are always looking to build additional teams. If we do not have enough players for any age group, your child might be asked to play with the next oldest group.
What is the Bergenfield United Training Program? The Bergenfield United Training Program is open to all children ages 6 and 7 who are interested in learning about the fundamentals of soccer. Held once a week on Friday evenings from 6:00-7:15, the clinic program offers an introduction to soccer. Parents can sign up for both Fall and Spring semester program for $125
. Please refer to our Registration Page. The first session for the Fall will take place in early September.
Is Bergenfield United the same as Bergenfield PAL?
While we are affiliated with Bergenfield PAL, Bergenfield United SC is a separate program. PAL recreational soccer runs in the Fall and does not require travel time to other towns.